Where to Adopt a Pet in Northwest Arkansas

Where to Adopt a Pet in Northwest Arkansas

As a realtor, I know many individual components go into turning a house into a home. Sometimes, you have to cozy up your front porch with a welcome mat, decorate your walls with art and photos, or remodel your kitchen before you can feel truly rooted in a place. You can even throw a housewarming party and invite all your friends and family members.

But for many of us, a house doesn’t become a home until we invite a four-legged friend inside. After all, without them, our families just don’t feel complete!

If you’re new to Northwest Arkansas and looking to adopt a pet, then you need to know about the Best Friends Pet Resource Center in Bentonville. This incredible local business is a resource for furry friends who need a home, local shelters that serve our community, and your average pet lover (like me!).

Best Friends offers a variety of services for pets and their owners, including a veterinary clinic with affordable vaccinations and microchips, yoga classes with dogs and cats (*heart eyes*), and a dog-washing station that you can use for just $10. They even have a space with crafts and activities for families to enjoy together.

One of their core values, established by their founders in 1984, is printed on a staircase inside the building. It reads: To judge our effectiveness based on the extent to which animal lives are saved and improved, and by the positive experience of the people we touch.

How beautiful is that?!

And to top it all off, they have a coffee shop right next door called Third Space Coffee. That means you can grab a drink and then go play with the adoptable cats, which is basically a recipe for the best day ever. I ordered the Shy Cat Latte, which is their most popular drink (and now I know why. It was heavenly).

Best Friends is an NWA gem, and I’m so grateful to their team for loving on our local animals. If you’re ready to turn your new house into a home, you’ve got to check them out.